Spiritual Companionship
Coming from love.
Keeping things real.
Now more than ever, perhaps, with the state of the world, people are seeking guidance on the spiritual plane. Maybe you among them. Spiritual Companionship with me can address some of the questions below:
The Sacred
How is the Divine woven into life in this terrible and wonderful world?
What is sacred to me and how do I live by it?
How do I find the sacred in the mundane and in the pain?
How do I find the gifts in the face of the bad?
How can I keep my inner flame alive, despite what’s happening around me?
Are there “signs” I should pay attention to?
How do I develop my intuition?
How can I open to Mystery?
What’s my path in this challenging world?
How do I ride the waves of life?
Which bridge to cross?
Which doorway should to walk through?
What potential is waiting to bud?
What is my heart telling me?
Why am I even here?
God and Soul?
Does God hear my prayers?
Is there such a thing as a soul?
What is “spiritual” anyway?
Is there even a God?
Can I find a definition of God that makes sense to me?

These are the questions a Mashpi’ah, or Spiritual Companion, helps you explore.
It’s about looking at your life--and the world—from the perspective of
seeing how the Sacred shows up in the ordinary.
My Statement on
Spiritual Companionship/
In the Jewish tradition, Hashpa’ah means Flow. It is a contemplative practice that makes use of silence and prayer. Conversation about and with the Divine, whatever that means to you, is always a part of it.
I offer a non-judgmental space (because we are all imperfect) where you can explore fully who you are and what your beliefs are. I offer wisdom learned from my own life when that seems appropriate, text study when it feels right, often from an ecumenical place and depending on your needs. I start with silence, grounding and prayer, interweave meditation and chanting if that seems right, and end with blessing.
I see my role as supporting you and helping you see yourself the way I believe “God” does: as a completely accepted, loved being who struggles with the world like we do.
How does it work?
Who is it for?
It’s for anyone of any faith tradition, religion, or none; anyone seeking the Divine in their daily life, struggles and challenges; for those seeking community in groups or those who want individual direction. You might be looking for a spiritual complement to psychotherapy or analysis—this could be for you!
What’s the process?
Spiritual Direction happens once a month and is a contemplative practice that makes use of silence, prayer and blessing. So much of it is about listening to the spiritual seeker and helping them find their own answers deep within rather than giving advice or analyzing. It can also be about assisting the seeker in finding spiritual practices that help them on their journey.
What if I’m an atheist or agnostic?
“God” is a tricky word. It’s so loaded with images and beliefs that many of us no longer hold. I like to say, “The same God you don’t believe in, I don’t believe in.” So if God-language is problematic for you, no problem! There are lots of ways of talking about the sacred or the divine.
Where and how often does it happen?
For the moment, as long as the Covid pandemic lasts, I am offering Spiritual Direction only “virtually,” either through Zoom or some other form of technology. (Believe it or not, it still works!)
Also, it’s a once-a-month thing, so it’s much easier to fit into your life.
Tell me more about the groups and how it’s different from other types of groups.
Groups ideally have 6 to 8 people, meet monthly just as the individual sessions do, but are generally twice as long—two hours instead of one.
At each session, two people generally “share” a specific issue they are confronting in their lives. The group listens silently with no interruptions.
Hashpa'ah groups are a place for holy listening and opening to guidance. The group is there to witness and allow guidance to come through to help the person who shares in deepening their relationship with God and spirituality in a particular issue they bring to the group. In the process, the group is building skills that build a spiritual community that helps them engage in a different way within the group, but also beyond the group on a different level.
They both sound so good! How do I choose between group and individual?
Individual Direction is the most common, but it really depends on what you’re looking for, your resources, and the time you have available. Group Companionship is a greater time commitment, but offers community as well. The amazing thing about groups is that, even when you’re not sharing, somehow you come away with new insights and tools for yourself. Individual Companionship is, well, just about you, and that’s wonderful too.
Are You Ready to
Enter Into the Mystery?
Well, you might ask: What’s your fee?
First meeting is without charge for about a half hour to get to know each other a little, discuss my style, your needs and the reason you are seeking spiritual direction.
Regular fee for individuals, $125 per hour.
Groups: $75 for two hours.
I was part of Juliet's first spiritual direction group. I was searching for a community of supportive women with whom to share spiritual struggles and questions. Juliet's warmth and openness set the tone for the group. She always made me feel valued and heard. Juliet led our group with deep heart and soul, opening each group with chanting and meditation. I think we were able to share so intimately with each other because we entered a different realm when we were together. Janet M.
Dear Juliet, I want to thank you for the wonderful experience I had with you participating in the Hashpa’ah group. Each time we got together I felt embraced by a cloud of spiritual peace. Your guidance made us feel connected to each other, and opened my heart to be able to talk about my deepest thoughts. The love, compassion and understanding helped me to take a different approach in life. It was really a give and take support to all of us. Thank you again. Love and blessings to you. Liliana M.
I had the pleasure of participating in one of Juliet’s Hashpa’ah groups. Juliet expertly guided our closely knit group as we learned the process of listening deeply, asked each other questions that helped deepen self-understanding, and reflected on how God is guiding us in spiritual growth. I found it to be a profoundly spiritual experience under Juliet’s compassionate guidance. I felt very safe and nurtured, and it provided me with a special awakening to God’s presence in my life. It was very meaningful to me and I always looked forward to our time together. Rebecca S.
Hashpa’ah/Spiritual Direction is not therapy and Spiritual Companions are not licensed to help people with serious emotional and psychological issues. I will want to know if a client is in therapy or seeing a psychiatrist simultaneously to receiving Spiritual Companionship and may recommend that a seeker seek out professional care, especially if I think the person’s life is at risk. I retain the right to terminate the relationship. There are also times when it does not feel like a good match, and I retain the right to refuse or terminate the relationship if that seems to be the case.
And finally: Ethical Guidelines
To learn about these, click on this link for Spiritual Directors International